Catholic quotations from the Church Doctors, Church Fathers and all the great Catholic minds.
Thursday, April 11, 2013
The masters of spiritual life describe the marks of true love.
Love, say they, is fearful, and its fear is none other than that of displeasing God.
It is generous, because, trusting in God, it is never daunted even at the greatest enterprises for his glory.
It is strong, because it subdues all its evil appetites, even in the midst of the most violent temptations, and of the darkest desolations.
It is obedient, because it immediately flies to execute the divine will.
It is pure, because it loves God alone, and for the sole reason that he deserves to be loved.
It is ardent, because it would inflame all man kind, and willingly see them consumed with divine love.
It is inebriating, for it causes the soul to live as it were out of itself, as if it no longer saw, nor felt, nor had any more senses left for earthly things, bent wholly on loving God.
It is unitive, by producing a strict union between the will of the creature and the will of the Creator.
It is longing, for it fills the soul with desires of leaving this world, to fly and unite itself perfectly with God in its true and happy country, where it may love him with all its strength.
--St. Alphonsus Ligouri, The Holy Eucharist
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