Tuesday, September 13, 2016

QUOTATION: The Sufferings of the Unborn Jesus

When Abraham was leading his son to death, he would not afflict him by giving him notice of it beforehand, even during the short time that was necessary for them to arrive at the mount. But the Eternal Father chose that his Incarnate Son, whom he had destined to be the victim of his justice in atonement of our sins, should suffer then all the pains to which he was to be subject during his life and at his death. Wherefore, from the first moment that he was in his mother's womb, Jesus suffered continually that sorrow which he endured in the garden, and which was sufficient to have taken away his life (as he said, My soul is sorrowful unto death). So that from that time forth he felt most vividly, and endured the united weight of all the sorrows and contumely that awaited him.

--St. Alphonsus Liguori, The Incarnation, Birth and Infancy of Jesus Christ