Saturday, December 20, 2014


Blessed John Henry Newman
Money is a sort of creation, and gives the acquirer, even more than the possessor, an imagination of his own power; and tends to make him idolize self. Again, what we have hardly won, we are unwilling to part with; so that a man who has himself made his wealth will commonly be penurious, or at least will not part with it except in exchange for what will reflect credit upon himself, or increase his importance. Even when his conduct is most disinterested and amiable (as in spending for the comfort of those who depend upon him), still this indulgence of self, of pride and worldliness, insinuates itself. Very unlikely therefore is it that he should be liberal towards God; for religions offerings are an expenditure without sensible return, and that upon objects for which  the very pursuit of wealth has indisposed his mind.

--Blessed John Henry Newman, "The Danger of Riches", Parochial and Plain Sermons, Vol. 2