Saturday, August 30, 2014

QUOTATION: Anything Can Be a Cross

St. Louis de Montfort
Do not allow the tiniest piece of the true Cross to be lost, even though it be only an insect-sting or a pin- prick, a little eccentricity of your neighbour or some unintentional slight, the loss of some money, some little anxiety, a little bodily weariness, or a slight pain in your limbs. Turn everything to profit, as the grocer does in his shop, and you will soon become rich before God, just as the grocer becomes rich in money by adding penny to penny in his till. At the least annoyance say, "Thank you, Lord. Your will be done." Then store up in God's memory-bank, so to speak, the profitable cross you have just gained, and think no more about except to repeat your thanks.

--St. Louis de Montfort, Letter to the Friends of the Cross